Fall is here, and there are so many things that I love about it!
So here are my ABC's of my favorite Fall things.
A - Acorns, apples, Autumn
B - Baking & Butternut squash
C - Cuddling & Colors, I love seeing the trees change, such a variety of color, it is so pretty!
D- Decorating, I think I have the most decorations for Fall, I love pumpkins & scarecrows
E -End f summer ( not one of my favorite things), but E is a challenge LOL
F- Fall Festivities! Pumpkin Patch, Apple Orchard, Hay Rides!
G- Gourds, fun to decorate with.
H -Halloween ,& Harvests
I - Indian Summer, I hope we get one this year
J -Jack -O-Lanterns
K-Kids playing in the leaves
L - Leafs
M -Mug full of hot spiced apple cider MMMM
N - Nutmeg, one of my favorite fall spices
O - October babies, My Brianna ♥
P- Pumpkins, I love pumpkin stuff, the smell, the color, picking one out!
Q - Snuggling under my big warm comfy quilt
R - Reading, perfect for those cool rain fall days, curled up with a good book
S- Squash MMMMM
T - T.V. All my shows come back on that I like to watch
U - Ummmm U is kinda hard lol How about Umbrella, for the rainy days
V - Vibrant colors
W - Wreathe - full of vibrant colored leaves, pine cones, and acorns
X- X is hard too so Im going to say X is 10 in roman numerals, and the 10th month is October....Its all I got
Y - Yard work, I love it actually!
Z - Zesty colors, smells, and flavors & Zuchinni!
Fall is so full of so many awesome things! Love it! I love my little October baby too! Although, the fact that he's turning four means he's not all that much of a baby anymore, doesn't it?
I am kind of in the fall mood myself now too. It took me a while, but I am really enjoying it now. Maybe I will even get my kids making some fallish pictures to display.
I like your blog Kelly,
ACK! Kelly, you picked a bloggy background *exactly* like someone else I know online. I was skipping through my reader, and almost skipped your blog too! Then I caught your pic there in the sidebar...whew!
I'm tired of being so sick, cause I feel like I'm missing out of the beginning of fall. So right now, I'm gonna go have the kids spend some time upstairs, while I get the downstairs all decorated for fall! Whoo-hoo!!
Luv it~
Yes, decorating for fall. I'm planning on doing it October 1st...I don't know why I go for October 1st, but I do. Also, our oak tree is full of acorns this year. I saw a neat craft for them....acorn aliens....make faces and add decorations to the acorns to make little creatures out of them. Sounds fun to me!
Danielle- I cant believe how big Asher is getting and it seems like it happening so fast! 4 already, I can hardly believe it!
Leanne - Thanks for following my blog, I am new to this so I am still kind of trying to find my way around, and connect with others through blogging, I was excited to see you were following mine though, I was like WOOHOO I have a follower....it's the small things in life LOL
Lori, I get sick sometimes too when the weather starts changing, I am hoping that I dont get sick this year though. Im glad you didnt pass me by, I probably went to were everyone goes to find a background, once I can navigate and figure this all out better I am sure I will try to find unique backgrounds that no one else has....It took me like 20 minutes no lie to try to figure out how to change the old picture to the new one. This shouldn't be that hard right?? LOL
Brooke - I have some acorns I picked up from my brothers house, last week, I am looking for a cool craft or project to make with them....
P.S. I have gourds, lots of them if you, Lori, or Leanne are interested...
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